
TWIST OF LIME | Definition:

(1) used as garnish to add flavour. In this blog we each add our own flavours to lifestyle and social topics. (2) LIME also means “Hang out and socialise in Caribbean culture.

The Bougie Guide to a Life Detox

The Bougie Guide to a Life Detox

Being holistic is a lifestyle. It’s not just about eating organic food and doing yoga. It’s about looking at your whole life, from your food to your career to your home to your relationships and removing what’s toxic from it.


Let’s be honest, we have a lot of meaningless, pointless stuff that seems to just pile up over time. This can be dotted around the house, whether it’s on your desk, in your closet, in the living room, under the stairs, drawers, on a table, or in your car, get rid of it!

Usually, clutter results from having an excessive amount of anything this varies from books, papers, toys, shoes, clothes, food, vintage items that occupies space for no apparent reason. But it occupies more than just space in your, home and life; it takes up space and energy in your brain.


Thinking of a massage but have not had time to do so due to the hustle and bustle lives we live. Well, try to plan a pamper day for yourself at least once a month to regroup your thoughts and simply to relax. This can be done solely on your own for ‘me time’ or a fun spa day/weekend with your girlfriends, either way you get time to relax.  Relaxing covers a vast about of activities from massage treatments, catching up on sleep, swimming, beauty treatments, but most importantly, it is about stimulating and enhancing circulation within your mind, body and soul.


You can’t let people drain your energy. Sucking energy out of people is one of the most toxic things in our life. We all have toxic people in our lives. I’m not saying you have to end your relationships with them, but you don’t have to engage them either. You can’t expect the world to change for you. You have to change how you're interacting with the world. Don't let toxic relationships disrupt your life.


One of the easiest ways to detox is by sweating. Any exercise that gets you sweating will help naturally detox your body through the skin. Movement helps to stimulate your circulatory system and blood flowing helps the other organs to process toxins. Try to implement at least 30 minutes of exercise a day to stay active and fit.Sweating with sauna therapy is another way to increase circulation, sweat out toxic waste from the body and improve lymphatic flow for cleaning.

Tip: Be sure to stay hydrated by drinking water whenever you are exercising, especially when using a sauna, steam room or taking an Epsom salt bath afterwards since these can be dehydrating.


It might be an idea to search a natural mineral hot spring on your next holiday if you can or seek out a flotation therapy tank. If you can’t find these excellent natural cleansing baths near you or abroad, then the next best thing is a bathtub with piping hot water and some Epsom salts. Add some lavender essential oils for an aromatherapy cleanse as well. You can make own bath salt blend that combines Epsom salts, natural mineral salts, baking soda and essentials oils to your choice.

Tip: After a good soak & sweat, make sure to clean your skin properly by showering so that the toxins that you sweat out of your system are washed away.

Do you feel better yet?

Adopting a holistic lifestyle doesn’t require instant, overnight changes. Slowly replace the toxic with the non-toxic alternatives. Adjust how you respond to toxic people. One day, you’ll wake up and realize how much better you feel with the slight adjustments you have made.

This is our guide to detoxing your life. What will you change to create a holistic lifestyle for yourself?


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