Bougie Body HIIT Workout
Warm Up
Mode Treadmill
Intensity 60% MHR
Target Heart Rate 150 bpm
Duration 8 -10 minutes
Core Session - Resistance Phase
Med ball slams
10 KG
5 sets of 45 seconds with 45 seconds rest
Push ups
Body weight
5 sets of 45 seconds with 45 seconds rest
Kettle bell swings
18-24 KG
5 sets of 45 seconds with 45 seconds rest
Clean and press
10 Kg bar
5 sets of 45 seconds with 45 seconds rest
Stair Master
Stepper Machine
5 sets of 45 seconds with 45 seconds rest
Shadow boxing
3 KG dumbbells
5 sets of 45 seconds with 45 seconds rest
Battle Ropes
5 sets of 45 seconds with 45 seconds rest
Spin Bike 5 KM
STEADY until you get to 5 KM distance
Mountain Climbers
Body weight
5 sets of 60 seconds with 45 seconds rest
Body weight
5 sets of 60 seconds with 45 seconds rest
Cool Down
Mode Cross Trainer
Intensity Level 10
Duration 10 minutes